The time I totally geeked out at Phoenix Comicon

OMG, guys. The photo above is seriously the most epic and nerdtastic photo I have ever taken.
I’ve been going to Phoenix Comicon religiously for the past few years, and even attended when it was a much smaller event in a neighboring city about 7 years ago (when it wasn’t yet quite glorious). When I first heard that all three top actors from Battlestar Galactica were going to be at this year’s event, I couldn’t resist paying for a photo op with all of them. And of course, I had to hold up Battlestar Galactica the board game. All three of the actors I’m in the photo with are pictured on the box! I love the show, and the board game is one of my favorites as well. The game thematically captures the essence of the show, the intrigue, paranoia and not knowing if your friend is a cylon!