Tag: board games

Weekend gaming: Arkham Horror + expansions

Weekend gaming: Arkham Horror + expansions

This past weekend, we met for our monthly game of Arkham Horror. My friend has done an amazing job of tricking out his game.

We added the Innsmouth Horror and Miskatonic Horror expansions to our game.
We added the Innsmouth Horror and Miskatonic Horror expansions to our game.

He replaced all the small cardboard tidbits such as hearts, brains and track tokens with color-coded glass beads. Each set of the glass beads also sit in awesome small decorative bowls that match the horror/occult theme of the game.

For this particular game, we included the Innsmouth Horror expansion board, and the Miskatonic University institution from the Miskatonic Horror expansion.

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Hello, world!

Hello, world!

Hello, people of the Internet! I just started this blog to talk about all things board games, and to learn a thing or two about blogging. This is an entirely new process for me. I plan to write about my board-game nights, new purchases, board games that I enjoy or don’t enjoy playing, and next month, my first attendance at a board-game convention.

I’m super excited to be doing all this. Thanks for reading!

— Meeple Lady