Category: Weekend gaming

Terra Mystica rematch, and playing new games

Terra Mystica rematch, and playing new games

I was lucky enough to do some back-to-back gaming sessions this weekend. I was starting to get some gaming withdrawal as I hadn’t been able to attend my weekday game group because of work. And missing gaming totally makes me a cranky Meeple Lady.
The land of Terra Mystica.
The land of Terra Mystica.

Last Friday night after work, a group of us met up to play Terra Mystica. We had recently played a few weeks ago and we all wanted a rematch. As much as I love playing Terra Mystica, it isn’t one of those games I play frequently, namely because so few people want to spend time playing such a heavy game and it has a steep learning curve that makes it hard for people to jump into.

It takes a few plays to understand the mechanics of the game, and then throw in the fact that you can choose one of fourteen different “peoples” with their own special abilities and drawbacks, well, it’s a complex game.

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Weekend gaming: Arkham Horror + expansions

Weekend gaming: Arkham Horror + expansions

This past weekend, we met for our monthly game of Arkham Horror. My friend has done an amazing job of tricking out his game.
We added the Innsmouth Horror and Miskatonic Horror expansions to our game.
We added the Innsmouth Horror and Miskatonic Horror expansions to our game.

He replaced all the small cardboard tidbits such as hearts, brains and track tokens with color-coded glass beads. Each set of the glass beads also sit in awesome small decorative bowls that match the horror/occult theme of the game.

For this particular game, we included the Innsmouth Horror expansion board, and the Miskatonic University institution from the Miskatonic Horror expansion.

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