About me | Contact
Hi, Meeple Lady here, and I’m a board-game addict.
I love heavy euros and strategy games, writing about board games, editing rulebooks, and meeting fellow gamers.
I’m also a contributor to the podcast, The Five By Games.
What is a “meeple,” some of you ask? A meeple is a small person-shaped piece used as a player’s token in many eurogames. The word is a mashup of “my people.”
Follow me on my board-game adventures, and thanks for stopping by!
Keep in touch, folks! You can find me via:
Twitter – @meeplelady
Instagram – meeplelady
Facebook – meeplelady
Soundcloud – meeplelady
Boardgamegeek – meeplelady
Email – meeplelady{at}gmail.com
Greetings from across the pond!
I found out about you thanks to Dustin Schwartz as I need help with work on a rule book for a game I am working on.
I have the game ready for blind playtesting so I need the rule book to be ready and this is where I struggle a lot for two reasons.
1. I am Swedish so my language skills are not that good.
2. I suck at writing rule books 🙂
It is a fairly light game so I estimate about 4-6 pages, in euopean A5 size, about 16x21cm in size.
I have fairly good skills in lay out and editing the design for the rule book but would be happy to bounce things and tweaks with you.
What would be the next step?
I can easily upload a version if the game to tabletopia where we can play the game and I can explain how the game works. I can also send you the written material I have if it makes any sense.
We are planning a game night with shogun here in Norway. I have a version from 1986. I am missing the manual. Do you know where I can find a pdf ?
I believe this is what you’re looking for? https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/1217/shogunpdf. Happy gaming!
Your meeple lady header and logo are some of the best artwork out there I have seen. Even though the meeple has no expression, I know exactly what she is feeling. Very cool stuff!!