Life Updates, And Conventions for 2018
Hello, friends! It’s been a minute, hasn’t it? I’d like to say I’ve been busy gaming and just haven’t been writing but it’s been a combination of life events that has slowed down all the gaming I’d like to be doing. Inspired by Jamey Stegmaier’s personal blog, I thought I’d share some personal updates with you all. By the way, have you read how much that guy writes on his work and personal websites? It’s pretty amazing.
A few years ago, I left my 9-5 job to jump into a completely different industry because I was burned out from being in the old — and somewhat unstable — industry for a little over a decade. The new career was combination part time and freelance, and for the next two years or so, it was great.
But then I honestly started missing having coworkers and being part of a collaborative team (plus, not having to hustle every second of every day), so when I randomly got a call from an old colleague about a part-time position at a slightly different industry, I took that job. To make up the rest of the time, I got another job writing and editing elsewhere.
So for the last 17 months, I’ve been working two part-time jobs to make up a full-time job, and while I loved everything I did and the folks I worked with, it was getting stressful and taxing to have the busiest lunch hour traveling from the two jobs while scarfing down a meal. Plus, I was still freelancing at night and weekends from the previous career change. So in a nutshell — it’s been a chaotic year or so.
Which brings me to today: I’m starting a new job in two weeks! Guys, I can’t tell you how excited I am to be working at one single location and focusing all my attention on one entity. Plus, it’s the kind of job I want to be doing even more of, and I’m so grateful for everything working out as they did. I wouldn’t have traded all the experience I’ve collected in the past few years, but I’m ready to move on to this next chapter in my career.
Plus, having one job will allow me to play more games, buy more games and write all about them, and focus more on the new Hooked On Geek podcast my co-host Greg and I have been releasing every Monday. (Find us on iTunes, Stitcher and Spotfiy!) Huzzah! I’m grateful for Greg and all my gamer guys for being patient the last few months while I’ve ratcheted up the job search and been less available for gaming and such, but once I start this new job, I’ll be back 100 percent with lots more board-gaming content.
Lastly, here’s a list of conventions I’m planning to go to in 2018. Hope to see you folks at one or all of them!
- BGG Spring (May 24-28 in Dallas)
- ConsimWorld (June 23-30 in Tempe)
- Strategicon’s Gateway (Aug. 31-Sept. 3 in Los Angeles)
- Rincon (Late September in Tucson)
- BGG Con (Nov. 14-18 in Dallas)
I’d love to try to get to GMT Weekend at the Warehouse in the fall and San Diego Historical Con, but I’ll have to see how much vacation time I’ll have by then since I’m starting from zero with the new job.
The one game I played this week was Feast For Odin, a game that I’ve only had the pleasure of playing twice before. I’m still unsure of the best strategy (as evidenced by my final score), but I do love putting my pieces together on your main board and islands, and I think it’s fitting that all the pieces of my life are starting to come together again. Even though it’s March already, I’m still excited to see what 2018 will bring.