Crazy week of gaming, BGG Con tickets and other stuff
In the spirit of Cthulhu, I felt like I had been devoured last week. I had the most insane week, and I’m thankful for being surrounded by people who care about me and who, at the drop of a hat, help me out … like say when you have plumbing issues, need a new kitchen faucet, and your laundry room and kitchen flood with water. Let’s just say I’m so very happy that it’s a new week!

First up … tickets for BGG Con in November went on sale last Thursday, and it was pandemonium!! I was with a client, so I didn’t have access to a computer or my cell phone when the sale started, but was able to get to a computer about 90 minutes later, and signed up. At that point, tickets were 85% sold out. In just over 2 hours, the entire con sold out. That’s crazy!
I’m actually a volunteer again this year for Team Geek. The emails from the group have started rolling in, and I can totally feel the excitement in the air even though it’s only March. I’m also so very happy I was able to get a hotel room, which will make volunteering so much easier. And I already have standing dates to meet with folks at the convention. It’ll be so cool to finally board game with folks that I’ve only know through social media!

I got some really cool gaming in this week, too. My friends and I played Tammany Hall on Monday, which was great. There were 4 of us and we had a lot of fun kicking ward bosses out of districts and slandering them through the immigrant population. I am definitely looking forward to playing this game again, possibly with 5 next time to make the board tighter. With 4 players, we all gravitated toward different immigrant groups and gaining political favors with them. The district races would be more hotly contested if no one player had the majority of the immigrant group’s votes.

On Saturday, my friends and I had a last-minute meetup in which 4 of us played Cthulhu Wars. He’s the only one I know among my gaming groups who owns this game. It’s such an epic game, and I only wished he lived closer so that we could game all the time. When all the Great Old Ones are on the board, it’s quite an impressive and frightening sight!
Lastly, I finally, finally finished Playing Pandemic Legacy! Huzzah, we saved the world from diseases! We played two games on Friday night and then three on Saturday since we were getting so close to the end. I must admit I got a little salty in the end because three games of back-to-back Pandemic was not how I had imagined spending my Game Day, but we all agreed that we didn’t want to come back in a week to finish out the last game. In the end, it took us 17 games to finish, which we started on Jan. 22. Not too shabby! We never lost four games in a row and didn’t have to open that one particular box with the giant warning sticker!

Game Day continued with a couple games of One Night Ultimate Werewolf, which I enjoy playing much more than regular Werewolf. One Night is a hidden-role game in which werewolves are trying to kill villagers and vise versa (with some exceptions). I enjoy this game better because there is only one round of debate and then a final vote on who to kill. In Werewolf, you keep killing people one by one, which can get really boring, in my opinion. Strangely enough, the last 3 games that we played, the two werewolves and the minion were all in the middle. Lastly, I played a 3-player game of Glass Road. We all knew how to play so the game went quickly. I ended up winning with 19 points, my highest score for the game thus far!
Anyway, I’ve got some gaming events already scheduled for this upcoming week, so I’m looking forward to that. Here’s hoping this week will be better and less stressful than the last!
2 Replies to “Crazy week of gaming, BGG Con tickets and other stuff”
Wow! We hope your house stays dry this week! You got in such a diverse set of games this week. One Night and Cthulhu Wars are some of our favorites right now.
Thanks! I think all the home issues are done for now. Yep, gaming seriously kept me from losing my sanity! 🙂