My second day at BGG Con
I finished my second day at BGG Con, which is actually the third day of the convention. I wasn’t able to get in on Wednesday because of work. I totally wish I got in a day earlier. Yesterday felt like a day to adjust from traveling and then checking out what the convention was all about. Today, I was in full force and had actual plans on what I wanted to do.
Naturally, lots of board gaming happened today, some epic battles and some surprises. I met even more folks today, too. I also got a free game from a nice gentleman, and lots of swag. Everybody is so nice here. We are all kindred spirits, and see nothing wrong with staying up all night to board game. You make hard decisions such as should I go get food or join this new game that’s starting? You totally feel like you’re in Las Vegas. Non-stop gaming. And you can get beer from the bar, too.
The highlights in photos:
I bought this game, which translates to Mysterium. Somebody has been murdered, and a ghost is trying to help the psychics figure out who got killed and who did it. People best describe the game as a cross between Clue and Dixit. It has great artwork.
This is Aztlan, a light area-control game. Play took about an hour with the three of us.
This is a Fantasy Flight game called Witcher. I love Fantasy Flight. They make my favorite games and are known for high-quality board games. Each player picks a character and travels around the board collecting tokens, fighting monsters and completing missions.
I was already in a Vegas mood when I randomly happened upon this game, Lords of Vegas. This is totally going on my wishlist! You are a Vegas developer building hotels and making money. Plus, there’s an element of gambling in it. Totally awesome.
This next game is Wings of War. This turned into an epic battle. You play the Allies or Germany, and these cards dictate where and how far your little plane moves. Then, if an enemy plane is in your shooting radius, they will receive damage.
Check out the ginormous table. Everybody’s plotting.
Little planes and measuring for attack radius.Storage for all the equipment. The game was so much fun! I played on the Allies and even though we lost one of the bombers we were escorting, we managed to shoot down a bunch of German airplanes and get our other bomber to finish the mission.
And then this crazy annual contest took place: Battling Tops. People are uber intense and dress up in characters. You basically pull a string and let the tops rip. The last one spinning wins. The A Team won (they were the people dressed in the luchador outfits). Check out the intensity. You can totally see that one guy’s veins.
This is Chopstick Dexterity Megachallenge 3000. No joke. It was a prototype last year and was available in the BGG library. You pick up items in the bowl with chopsticks. Lots of laughter in a 15-minute game.
Lastly, Colt Express. Look at those cute cowboy meeples! It’s a deck-building action game where you’re trying to steal jewels and money, while avoiding the sheriff. You can shoot, steal, punch and move up and down the train. Alas, this game sold out yesterday.